Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Their is one concept of all immortals which needs an address almost more then any other subject.

For mortals to take note of.

And that is simply this.

Due to many previous existences, in connection to genesis 3" 22, often times deities , who appear younger then other deities in this life are actually more senescent.

Due to many ramifications to previous existences.

On that note I begin this holy webL

1 comment:

  1. Their is another matter too.

    For humans to take note"
    In people defiant of christ or in people generally evil and rebellious to Gods commandments , the goddess NYx sometimes controls, and influences with divine powers, unknown to mortals.

    Nyx is a bit of a psychotic goddess.

    Very dangerous.

    Which is why zeus stopped short in attacking erebus.
    Nyxs son..
    When erebus fled to NYX for protection.

    In that one incident in the heavens.

    But anyhow, in mortals rebellious to god, NYx sometimes uses divinity powers to control.

    And such people act like lunatics.
    Near a full moon.

    As , nyx, is literally , that being.

    Earths moon.

    In this life.

    Same as the greek goddess gaea is literally the earth .

    ●●♤♤♤ IN THIS LIFE..

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